Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good morning.  The weather today is blustery and crisp, our high is expected to be less than 60 and the wind is gusting up to 40mph.  I went out painting because the sunshine was irresistible, but I was fighting the wind the whole time.  It's NOT fun painting in the wind.  I don't mind the cold so much, altho, my hands go numb and it has nothing to do with my carpal tunnel!  I don't mind drizzle or even light rain, but I wonder if my wooden easel can take much of it without warping.  I painted in sleet in Nevada once, not a fun experience, but everything else was so exhilarating I didn't really notice it! 

Lately, my paintings have concentrated on certain specifics, trees, blowing grasses, clouds, the lay of the land... whatever I feel I need to learn for that day, I force myself to work on that specific thing.  For a time composition was foremost in my mind, and then it was drawing, getting the forms correct, and then I had a period where color and matching the things I was seeing exactly with just the right tone, warm or cool and, of course, value!  Value is the biggest challenge for me all the time!  I am finally seeing some progress, but those gray days are still very difficult.

Painting outdoors has many many challenges, insects, weather, location, time, and DANG IT... forgetting your brushes/canvas/turp/paint!!!  Have done all of the above!  But it is one of the MOST rewarding of all types of painting.  I start out with a song in my heart, the world is wonderful, nothing can go wrong (but it sometimes does) and I usually end on a high note.  You should all come out and try it with me sometime!  I am holding a one day workshop on Plein Air painting in April in New Braunfels.  come give it a GO!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ebay holiday sale

Hi All... I am listing here 32 paintings which I am offering for auction on EBAY, 8 paintings each day until Friday, December 14.  Each auction is a 7 day auction, and you may bid on each painting by going to my ebay store at this link: 

Remember, I will list 8 different paintings each day.  And each days paintings will be available to bid for 7 days.  I am also showing them on my Facebook Page, Maren Phillips' Artlines.

Thanks for visiting...