Saturday, September 29, 2012


I've been gathering paintings in preparation for my Artist of the Month show that starts in a few days.  I still have to frame 3 of them, print tags, sign contracts, and figure out the placement, but I'm nearly ready.  We won't have a reception per se, but there are several local political groups and service groups that will meet in the Civic Center and each of them will be seeing my work.  I have high hopes for sales.

Posting a few of the paintings waiting for framing in my living room...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rainy day news!

It's raining.  REALLY REALLY raining.... enough that our house might level out and all the nicely patched cracks will probably re-crack back to the old 'normal'..  Anyway, if it continues through the day (and it is supposed to) then our drought will have been conquered for the time being.  Hope it is raining over the area lakes, Medina, Canyon, McQueeney.  They have all been so low.

I was painting with the Outdoor Painters Society group for the last 3 days.  We had sprinkles, gray skies, and damp air, but our paintings were beautifully done.  A good time was had by all, including great Mexican food, lovely wine and cheese  'happy hour' and Olive Oil tasting!  Yes, we did get some painting done, too!

Oil Plein Air from Espada Aqueduct
Sandy Oaks Olive Orchard, Plein Air
I am also including the dragonfly paintings I did during the Dragonfly Festival at the Bitter Lakes Wildlife Refuge in Roswell, NM and the painting I did at friends property in Laguna, NM.  I have really thrown my energy into plein air painting, lately.  I'm loving it a lot!  But I have 2 dog portrait commissions to complete in the studio, so I will be working on them this week. 

today, however, listening to the rain and getting some rest!