Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good morning.  The weather today is blustery and crisp, our high is expected to be less than 60 and the wind is gusting up to 40mph.  I went out painting because the sunshine was irresistible, but I was fighting the wind the whole time.  It's NOT fun painting in the wind.  I don't mind the cold so much, altho, my hands go numb and it has nothing to do with my carpal tunnel!  I don't mind drizzle or even light rain, but I wonder if my wooden easel can take much of it without warping.  I painted in sleet in Nevada once, not a fun experience, but everything else was so exhilarating I didn't really notice it! 

Lately, my paintings have concentrated on certain specifics, trees, blowing grasses, clouds, the lay of the land... whatever I feel I need to learn for that day, I force myself to work on that specific thing.  For a time composition was foremost in my mind, and then it was drawing, getting the forms correct, and then I had a period where color and matching the things I was seeing exactly with just the right tone, warm or cool and, of course, value!  Value is the biggest challenge for me all the time!  I am finally seeing some progress, but those gray days are still very difficult.

Painting outdoors has many many challenges, insects, weather, location, time, and DANG IT... forgetting your brushes/canvas/turp/paint!!!  Have done all of the above!  But it is one of the MOST rewarding of all types of painting.  I start out with a song in my heart, the world is wonderful, nothing can go wrong (but it sometimes does) and I usually end on a high note.  You should all come out and try it with me sometime!  I am holding a one day workshop on Plein Air painting in April in New Braunfels.  come give it a GO!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ebay holiday sale

Hi All... I am listing here 32 paintings which I am offering for auction on EBAY, 8 paintings each day until Friday, December 14.  Each auction is a 7 day auction, and you may bid on each painting by going to my ebay store at this link: 

Remember, I will list 8 different paintings each day.  And each days paintings will be available to bid for 7 days.  I am also showing them on my Facebook Page, Maren Phillips' Artlines.

Thanks for visiting... 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Exhibition of my work

I have a little bitty show ( ;-) )  hanging now at the Schertz Civic Center Gallery in Schertz Texas.  It is a show sponsored by the Schertz Area Artz Council and will hang through the month of October.  I wish all of you could come see it.  All work is for sale..

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I've been gathering paintings in preparation for my Artist of the Month show that starts in a few days.  I still have to frame 3 of them, print tags, sign contracts, and figure out the placement, but I'm nearly ready.  We won't have a reception per se, but there are several local political groups and service groups that will meet in the Civic Center and each of them will be seeing my work.  I have high hopes for sales.

Posting a few of the paintings waiting for framing in my living room...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rainy day news!

It's raining.  REALLY REALLY raining.... enough that our house might level out and all the nicely patched cracks will probably re-crack back to the old 'normal'..  Anyway, if it continues through the day (and it is supposed to) then our drought will have been conquered for the time being.  Hope it is raining over the area lakes, Medina, Canyon, McQueeney.  They have all been so low.

I was painting with the Outdoor Painters Society group for the last 3 days.  We had sprinkles, gray skies, and damp air, but our paintings were beautifully done.  A good time was had by all, including great Mexican food, lovely wine and cheese  'happy hour' and Olive Oil tasting!  Yes, we did get some painting done, too!

Oil Plein Air from Espada Aqueduct
Sandy Oaks Olive Orchard, Plein Air
I am also including the dragonfly paintings I did during the Dragonfly Festival at the Bitter Lakes Wildlife Refuge in Roswell, NM and the painting I did at friends property in Laguna, NM.  I have really thrown my energy into plein air painting, lately.  I'm loving it a lot!  But I have 2 dog portrait commissions to complete in the studio, so I will be working on them this week. 

today, however, listening to the rain and getting some rest!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Keeping you in the loop!

Oops, missed last week's post.  Sorry, all... our house is undergoing a makeover and I have been hard at work painting walls, cabinets, organizing closets and drawers.... Oh, what FUN!!  (sic)  But, soon the new floor will be in, making the new counter tops and sinks look even better.  We have finally found a really good contractor, who is honest, thoughtful, creative, and reasonable.  He actually does a great job!  Anyone who wants a worker in SA, call me... I will hook you up!

So, what's up in my art... sad to say I haven't painted anything for 17 days!  except walls, of course.  But I heard today that I have been accepted into the Boerne Texas Hill Country Invitational show, and I will be participating in the quick draw competition as well.  SO EXCITING.  Here is a little blurb with a link if you want to find out more.

The Texas Hill Country Invitational, a premier art show and sale, will be held Oct.19-21 in historic Boerne, Texas, and promises to be a true fine art experience. More than forty talented artists in diverse artistic media will display their works. Additional activities will include a paint-out with silent auction, an opening night preview event, a quick draw and live auction, artist demonstrations, and a breakfast with the artists. For additional information visit

 Another terrific thing is also coming up... I will be participating in the Kerrville Outdoor Painters event, also in October... and here is a link for that....

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Whole Week Without Painting

Good Grief!  This week has been all about emptying my living room, dining room and kitchen in preparation for new flooring and paint and counter top.  No time to paint.  Man, am I ever itching to go outside to do a dozen or so paintings!!  LOL

On a very positive note, a couple of really great things have happened.  First, I was named the first Artist of the Month by the Shertz Area Artz Council to have a hanging of work in October.  Better get busy buying frames!!  The work will be displayed in the Shertz Civic Center through the month of October.  Hope some of you can come see.  I am in the process of choosing my paintings to hang, no easy task!

Another thing, and maybe good of a longer duration, I have been asked to have a small display, only 6 paintings, at a local, very upscale, boutique/designer showcase/decorator center called Five Broads Off Broadway.  They plan a reception by invitation to their clientele of designers and decorators.  I really hope this becomes a consistent source of revenue and leads to recognition by several galleries here in San Antonio.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.  I can use all the positive energy I can get.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A fun little show

On August 1st, my birthday as it happened, I hung a small show of my recent plein air work at a local gallery/cafe.  We had a reception on Aug.4th, and the place was RockIN"!!  We filled all the seats and there was standing room only.  Such fun, and I made some sales, which made me very happy!  A good time was had by all.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thesis Work

Here are the paintings that made up my Thesis Project. 
Profound Relationships:  Animals and Their Humans.

Each painting represents a moment of time in which I caught the subjects at their most revealing.  My concerns were to show the subjects naturally in available light, depicting candid moments, and showing the  relationships between the animals and their humans.