Thursday, November 24, 2011

Passing time

Goodness, it's been several months since I posted here.  Time flies.  I've been very busy in school, taking a quick study class, working on thesis work, and learning the professional business side of art making and selling.  Ya'll would be amazed at what all it entails!

In the quick study class, we are painting a total of 100 paintings.  Small quick studies of 25 minutes to an hour and 1/2... in oil, on panels.  We are also doing 2 major finished paintings for this class.  Some of the work has been quick challenging, some a lot of fun!  This is a way of working I will probably adopt as a regular way of life.  I would like to do one small study every day... it is a great way to learn and practice technique andfigure out compositions.  Here are a couple of my studies...

We do several types of subjects, clothed figures, nudes, still life, and landscape.  The landscape paintings are mostly from life, plein air, and SO MUCH FUN!  I highly recommend plein air work for anyone wanting to learn to paint, learn color, and try out compositions.